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Title The Tin Ning Scissors is the world's only luxury new technology patented technology.
Posted by damascus (ip:)
  • Date 2017-10-07 15:05:35
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The Tin Ning Scissors is the world's only luxury new technology patented technology.
All the tin ning Shears in Damascus Caesar
I display the number of grooves of the hatch on the day, etc. on a fixed day pivot
I give a wave on a hatch day and am free-cut technique
Designed to be able to run large amounts of hair so that the hair is never steamed.
It is a new technology patent product that applies only to all of the Damascus Caesar's Tin ning Scissors.

* Damascus Caesar advance, quantum-mate-grade products
New technology has been applied to the patented AutoClean system.
Built-in pivot bolts in the center of the scissors, this open design is equipped with three special bearings
It is designed to prevent the opening of the scissors, and the hair residue that accumulates inside the scissors automatically
Designed to be discharged.
By far the world's only special system bearing is equipped to produce a totally new concept of beauty scissors
Aesthetic part and functional parts of the beauty scissors
A completely redesigned new concept, innovative invention patented new technology beauty scissors

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